CMS Website Development Services

Screenshot of site

Ad Hoc is the prime contractor for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Website Development Support (CMS WDS) program, which covers many public-facing portions of, including the ability to see and compare plans, find local help, and ultimately sign up for healthcare.

Ad Hoc provides program management and oversight, as well as technical leadership for the entire program. We are responsible for discovery and requirements gathering; agile development; design, user experience, and usability research; agile development; DevOps, documentation support, security support, analytics & metrics, continuous integration/ continuous deployment, and section 508 compliance, remediation, and reporting.

This work is done in support of the Web and Emerging Technologies Group of the Office of Communications at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) Services.

Tools and services delivered through WDS

Plan Compare 2.0

A replacement of the existing Plan Compare consumer- facing tool and allows people a mobile-friendly way to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP). Along with providing improved decision support and choice architecture, PC 2.0 reduces the burden on the existing FFM infrastructure

Window Shop

Window Shop allows people to browse qualified health plans for individuals and small business employers without having to apply for coverage first. It includes Decision Support Integration: a suite of features that allow people the ability to see if their provider and/or drug is covered. This suite of features also allows people the ability to see their estimated yearly cost.

Marketplace API

The Marketplace API surfaces the Plan Compare 2.0 logic and data and makes it available to third-parties

Find Local Help (FLH)

Allows people the ability to find someone who can help them apply and enroll in coverage.

Tax Tools

Provides custom information for completing IRS tax form 8962 or the IRS tax form 8965 to prove health coverage.


A suite of tools that help CMS with API documentation, administration and analytics. All APIs that are meant to be used by 3rd parties go through the API manager.

Developer Portal

The marketing site for tools and processes that CMS has identified for wider adoption. This centralized, publicly accessible site hosts onboarding information and links to documentation for CMS projects, aimed at encouraging new audiences to use them, and positioning CMS as a leader in government open source development.

Design System

Shared front-end components and styles that provide a consistent, performant, and accessible interface for people using Engineering teams across CMS can use these components in a plug-and-play manner, and receive automatic updates and improvements.


Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: March Enrollment Report

Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: Final Enrollment Report, ASPE Issue Brief, March 2016

Health Insurance Marketplaces 2017 Open Enrollment Final enrollment report