Ad Hoc named a WordPress VIP partner

As part of our mission to help organizations deliver people-centered digital services, Ad Hoc is excited to announce we’re now a WordPress VIP partner.

This collaboration combines our expertise applying human-centered methods with the publishing ease and infrastructure scale of WordPress VIP to create effective, resilient websites that focus on people’s needs. WordPress, a content management system, enhances our customers’ abilities to develop consistent digital service experiences with simple, plain language content and accessible information that enable action and create positive experiences for the people who use them.

As a Public Sector partner, we now bring the depth and experience of WordPress VIP to our customers. From technical advice to a streamlined ATO, WordPress VIP simplifies customers’ content management journey.

A solution to address IDEA and the customer experience

This partnership is a perfect fit at the perfect time for our customers; it comes on the heels of the Office of Management and Budget publishing new guidance for the 2018 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA), which directs government agencies to create digital experiences that meet the public’s expectations. Alongside President Biden’s 2021 Executive Order on transforming customer experience, the Act includes agency requirements for digital services, including:

  • Accessible to people of diverse abilities
  • Consistent visual design and agency brand identity
  • Content that is authoritative and easy to understand
  • Information and services that are discoverable and optimized for search
  • Secure by design, secure by default
  • User-centered and data-driven design
  • Customized and dynamic user experiences
  • Mobile-first design that scales across varying device sizes

With Ad Hoc as a WordPress Silver Agency VIP partner, our customers benefit from a content management system that enables excellent experiences that meet these digital service requirements.

A natural partnership to benefit the public

The public’s expectations and needs for efficient, reliable digital services continue to grow. Ad Hoc brings commercial sector best practices and partners to help our customers close that gap between people’s expectations and how they experience public digital services.

Our partnership with WordPress VIP is a natural fit to accelerate our customers’ journey to deliver people-centered digital experiences.

Interested in how we can help your organization? Connect with our team at


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