Danny Chapman

Danny Chapman's blog posts

Ad Hoc awarded a place on OASIS+

Ad Hoc has been awarded a place on OASIS+, allowing us to use our expertise in delivering efficient digital solutions to essential government services.

Introducing a government design system for native mobile

As we continue to explore what government design can and should be for native mobile apps, we’ll need a design system to scale this work.

Human-centered design helps government make better decisions

Why is human-centered design different? Why should you pay attention to this term, and how can it add value and meaning to government work?

Guest lecture at the Rhode Island School of Design

Ad Hoc Creative Director Danny Chapman recently guest lectured at a Civic Design class at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Easy eclipse viewing with #remotelife

Sometimes, a once-in-a-generation event comes along to mess with your work day. Fortunately for Ad Hoc team members,

UX Offsite 2017 in Portland, Oregon

Our growing UX team got together in real life in beautiful Portland, Oregon last week to talk, work, drink lots of coffee and tea, eat, and generally, spend some quality time together.

Danny Chapman’s #remotelife at Ad Hoc

I’m Danny Chapman, Creative Director at Ad Hoc. In my current role, I assist other design teams where I’m needed, and advocate for good design principles in all of the work we do.

Podcast on responsive design at Vets.gov

Today, Ad Hoc Creative Director Danny Chapman joined Vets.gov USDS Design Lead Emily Wright-Moore in a podcast about the vets.gov project on Responsive Web Design.

Patient Evaluations

Faced with a growing backlog of claims, we built a new, flexible solution that helps VA medical examiners do what they do best — help patients get the care they need.


Creating a new way for Veterans to get the services they need.

Window Shopping at HealthCare.gov

We delivered HealthCare.gov's first window shopping application, empowering millions of Americans to quickly comparison shop for health insurance.