Katie Gwinn’s #remotelife at Ad Hoc
Transitioning from corporate life to #remotelife and #momlife
Before joining Ad Hoc, I commuted to the office of a large, traditional company every day. I felt excited and nervous about joining a remote company. It would be a large change from settings I was used to and would be my first time returning to work after becoming a mom.

I joined Ad Hoc’s Operations team in January. In five short months, I’ve found many things to love about #remotelife.
While people often talk about flexibility as a benefit of working remotely, I didn’t have a full appreciation for this until experiencing it firsthand. I have found working remotely has been invaluable in being able to pursue my career while balancing the demands of a family. Whether it be shifting the start of my day back an hour to accommodate a daycare drop off or doctor’s appointment, working remotely has allowed me to integrate work and personal responsibilities throughout my day. In addition to my mom duties, working remotely has allowed me to create time for myself as well. I try to attend a workout class at my gym 3-4 days a week over lunch. Sometimes I trade the gym for a lunch out with friends - all about balance!
What I enjoy the most about this flexibility between my personal and professional life is I feel everyone at the company is truly invested in our #remotelife culture. We all work very hard to accomplish great work, and also understand our coworkers appreciate the flexibility we have and respect their time commitments. While I may have been apprehensive at first, the transition to #remotelife has been a good one for me!